Monday, February 11, 2008

Can women be Inspirational political leaders?

The Democratic presidential primary pits Hillary Clinton's bookish knowledge and experience against the smooth inspirational poetry of Barack Obama. It appear that Barack is on a roll. Hillary was the expected favorite until just a few weeks ago. But Barack's spiritul oratory has captured a new generation of workers and voters. When Barack paraphrases Martin he doesn't turn off white voters the way Jesse Jackson does. He's being called the next Kennedy, by some members of the clan.

My question is, can a woman be as inspirational as a man? Can a woman use poetry and be taken serious? Can Hillary refer to the "cornfields of Iowa", can she say "from the east and the south and across this nation"? Can she proclaim "Our time has come"? How would the country respond to this kind of language from a woman?

Morgan Freeman portrays a black President in Armaggeddon and the movie hits a jackpot. There's a black Presdient in "24" and the show is successful. But when a woman becomes Commander in Chief the show is cancelled or it's just a temporary situation as in Air Force One.

Women are mothers. They nourish us. They guide us and comfort us. Leaders are fearless and powerful. They can show passion without being emotional. I look at woman in Congress, women like Dianne Feinstein and Olympia Snowe. Good senatores but not inspirational. Barbara Boxer and Elizabeth Dole. Good senators but not inspirational.

Margaret Thatcher was a successful conservative leader but wasn't inspirational. Is it just gonna take time for the right woman to appear? Or is there something innate?

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